Municipal Court
The Golinda Municipal Court is the Judicial Branch of local government for the City of Golinda.
The court settles the lowest level violations filed by the police department, animal control, code enforcement, and fire marshal, which occur within the territorial limits of the City of Golinda.
Click on one of the links below for more information:
Entering a Plea with the Court
Driver's Safety Course
Payments (Citation Settlement Options)
Payment Arrangement Request
Community Service
Financial Hardship - Indigency
Warrants for the City of Golinda
Defendant's request for Credit Time Served
Municipal Court Citizen Complaint Form
Court Conduct and Attire
Standing Orders
Protective Orders
These violations may include, but are not limited to, traffic, city ordinance, juvenile, and parking violations.
The court also:
Processes citizen complaints
Presides over Bench and Jury Trial
Coordinates Pre-trials
Processes appeals
Processes warrants
Handles payments
Answers court-related questions from the public
Serving the public in an impartial and trustworthy manner is of the utmost importance to the court. Court services are handled both onsite or by telephone, email, and mail.
For additional information, please contact the City of Golinda Municipal Court using the staff directory information.