City & County Officials
Joyce Farar
Tim Harrington
Bobby Farney
Wanda Ray
Shirley Graves
Billy Elkins
Cindy Bunch
Justin Anderson
Gary Cunha
Jay Elliott
Nita Wuebker
Bill Shipp
Jeremy Hack
Lisa Faulkner
Judge M. Elliott
Jerry Wood
Mayor Pro Tem
City Secretary
City Attorney for Golinda
Municipal Court Judge for Golinda
County Judge/Falls County
County Commissioner - precinct 4
City Building Inspector
Falls County Septic Inspector
Administrative Assistant
JP, Precinct 4 Falls County
Constable Precinct 4 Falls County
Phone for all:
(254) 881-7333
For any emails to council members, please put the name of the council members in the subject line. Please leave a brief message and your contact information and the email will be given to the correct council member.
Also call City Hall leave a message for the Council and the message will be delivered.